Zoom Rooms for Web Conferencing

January 16, 2020

Zoom Conferencing Rooms – it’s not just an iPad & a Monitor!


One of the best Unified Communications Platforms to hit the market and provide a top-notch user experience is Zoom Communications.  They have made a splash in the industry against the likes of Webex, GoToMeeting, Skype and others.  

Some of the biggest issues with any UC setup and deployment is the noise…that’s right, the echo chamber coming from your million-dollar view board room!  Imagine closing a large deal, wooing a new executive or spending hours planning your go-to-market, only to have the participants dialed in hear the woosh or barely nothing at all?  

This is a common occurrence with a glass wall, concrete floors and more, so how do you fix it?  First, this is not a Zoom issue, it has to do with a combination of the environment and potential the equipment you selected.  Imagine buying a Porche and realize the road you have to drive on dirt with potholes.  That ride will not go well for the driver or their wallet!

A simple solution for new or existing deployments is to incorporate the proper variables improving the quality of the Zoom experience. 

Here at Solution Proposal, we’ve partnered with the most innovative leaders in A/V to compliment your Zoom Conferencing experience.  A TRUE Zoom Room is where everything from the furniture, noise cancelling components and proper cameras are installed.  This has helped thousands of Zoom users across the globe experience the benefits of this platform better than their competitors.  

But wait, there is more.

No deployment would be completed without designing each room as a unique instance.  The software we use will mimic your specific room dimensions, furniture, materials while we virtually install equipment to work with Zoom.  That’s right, you have a blueprint in real time prior to an implementation you can collaborate on and feel comfortable with your desired outcome.

Would you like to see what your Zoom rooms would look like and the microphone coverage real-time by changing the lobes? Please send us a quick request and we’ll chat more on what your room and materials are by using a VR demonstration.  

See your Zoom Room