Who we are

A bit About Us

You will not find crazy Bios on how awesome or cool things we’ve done throughout our career.  We are not vain executives, just dedicated Engineers looking to solve challenges.  If that’s not a fit for your organization, we can agree to not work together now.


Or, if interested, let’s discuss this in reality…..


We are former Architects who love to design, build and run fault-tolerant infrastructure globally. 


After years in the Managed Services, IT and Telco industry, we tired of customers having to now manage all of this on their own across multiple vendors. 


Customers are product fatigued with sales reps calling, emailing, texting and more on a daily basis


We decided to take the technology and figure out what is relevant for customers vs. selling a “product.”  This approach where organizations come to us to discuss their needs, likes, dislikes and the various unknowns present a challenge to us but one we thrive in. 


Working with our team provides you the customer the opportunity to work on your daily business and leverage an experienced success team to deliver quality results both technically and within a budget.


Please contact us if you think there would be a benefit for us to partner together.