Proposals & Design

Why Spend time designing and requesting proposals from the vendors you believe are needed for your network?  After years of designing N+1 infrastructure, we have the technical background and price/contract knowledge across all providers.

Allow us to be your intermediary design expert and negotiation broker at zero cost!


Cost to use our Service

We design and put your infrastructure out to bid across all providers or those you prefer and help with the negotiation.

Our services are paid by the vendor(s) you choose, similar to an Insurance Broker.  This saves time and effort by your team to have a trusted advisor at no cost but the knowledge from Architects.



We analyse and design based on current and future transformation needs. 

As Architects, we take pride in delivering fault-tolerant solutions which can serve your organization better.

Architecting together is a winning combination.


Proposal & Negotiation

Thousands of proposals have come across our desk and we know the benchmark you should be paying!

We will provide you a complete cost-analysis, MSA guidance and Service Level Agreement (SLA) suggestions as part of the process so you feel confident in the selection criterea.


Customer Success

We take Customer Success seriously and define your outcomes during the first meeting.  Our staff will focus on delivering and manging your contracts and billing if needed.  

Have a Project in Mind?

Let’s Get Building!

We want to hear from you and help you with your project!